Umwelt/4470 - Part I (2024)
A new series of text and video based works which outline a set of speculative eco-technological spaces where human, non-human and technological relations are re-imagined via experimental amalgamations and new modes of interconnectivity. Images and materials operate between digital and physical processes, collaborations with AI neural networks draw out visual responses and re-imagine the narrative. The works make use of an ongoing collaboration with AI imaging tools and models, working with complex text based prompts written by the artist to produce unexpected visualisations. In turn the images produced have influenced changes in the written material as it responds and adapts to its unstable and precarious movements.
The images are fragmented, liminal and constantly changing, they continue the artist’s exploration of digital waste material and its potential as a critical tool. The first video in the series begins with an adapted image of Spike island art space in Bristol, where the artist has his studio, and the generative results produced by the AI models have then been animated as it morphs and forms into another type of imaginary architectural space, a transient position filled with potential. The video also focuses on a second space, a place where humans are engaging with a vast body of worms, attempting to empathise with them, communicate with them and adapt themselves into hybrid forms. The title of the work makes reference to Jakob von Uexkull’s notion of the unique environment experienced by every form of life and this is juxtaposed with Ursulal Le Guin’s notion of World 4470 where a sentient environment of interconnected intelligent plant life is discovered.
Shows: Braziers International Film Festival (2024); Arte Scienza Festival, Goethe Institute, Rome (2024)