Re-writing the Overcode (2017)
The installation was developed as part of a research project that explored the material origins of a smartphone, in particular looking at the source of its capacitor and the mining of columbite tantalite. This research evolved into a speculative sound and video work that channels the swarm-like utterances of various post-human ‘ghosts’ of obsolete and decaying technologies who exist deep within the earth’s strata below the surface in an e-waste site. The voices exist across multiple timeframes and materialities, occasionally joining together to chant and sing responses to their condition.
The work is part elegy to human machines and their relation to the earth and its materials, and part exposure device, highlighting the mesh of interrelations between human and non-human actors that go into the production and disposal of human technologies. The work also identifies a proposal for the future sustenance of these machines by harnessing fusion technologies and Turing’s concept of morphogenesis to formulate new forms of hybrid materials and new types of ‘ecosophic auto-poeitic machines’. A live spectrogram attempts to bring visibility to the traces, soundwaves and lost signals, the remnants of technological production and the human desire to control the natural world.
Shows include: Soon we will become output, Stanley Picker Gallery (2017).